3 Ways to Make Accounting More Fun Like Pancakes On A Sunday Morning

3 Ways to Make Accounting More Fun Like Pancakes On A Sunday Morning


Accounting can really suck for people who don’t enjoy it. In fact, ask entrepreneurs what they dislike most about running a business and a large number of them will admit it’s the accounting side of things.

If you are a business owner, you probably became one to do more of the things you enjoy and have more control over what you do.

So doesn’t it make sense to manage accounting in a way that’s more fun, easy and exciting?

Well, you are in luck my friend – we’ve got the solutions.

Here are 3 ways to make accounting more fun…

1) Make accounting beautiful

Sad and lonely accounting spreadsheets are not exciting. In fact, they probably remind most folks of the pain of scrambling at the end of the month to bill clients and figure out how much money they made.

The cool thing about accounting nowadays is that it looks a whole lot prettier if you use cloud based accounting software.

Accounting software like Freshbooks, Xero and Quickbooks Online have attractive interfaces that are easy to use and can even be used from your cell phone. This will increase your likelihood of using the software frequently rather than waiting till the end of the month.

2) Think of accounting differently

The only thing we can control in life is our perception and our actions. If you feel stuck in a rut with your accounting, maybe it’s time to look at it differently.

There are some things we need to do ourselves in business due to money constraints, but sometimes it can pay to hire professionals to do the work for you to free up time for you to make money in other parts of your business.

For instance, can you imagine what you could do with the time you would free up if you hired an accountant to do your accounting for you?

How much money could you make if you hired an accountant who shows you ways to decrease costs and increase revenue?

3) Put your accounting on the cloud

Putting data on the cloud is pretty magical. If you’ve ever synced your music or pictures to the cloud, you’ll know what we mean. You can gain the information you need from anywhere at anytime with an internet connection.

That’s why cloud-based accounting software is so great.

It allows users to see their financial information in real-time which is pretty exciting, multiple users can use cloud software at one time, and your data is saved on the cloud vs. on your computer, so you can’t lose data.

If you would like to make accounting more fun, let us help. Book a free consult with us today!

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