How to Change Subconscious Beliefs about Money

Shame. Fear. Guilt. Power. Freedom. These are some of the automatic emotions we feel about money according to motivational speaker Tony Robbins. He believes we have trained our brains to react to financial circumstances with those emotions. We make these choices unconsciously, and therefore we often select emotions that do not serve us in a productive way. If you have negative subconscious thoughts towards money, such as “I do not…  Read more

3 High performance habits from a survey of 20,000 high performers

Brendon Burchard, the world’s highest paid performance coach, surveyed 20,000 high performers such as athletes, CEOs, and founders to see what habits made them rank so high in their performance and found they all had these three habits in common. If you are small business owner or a person who wants to improve your performance, check out how these following three high performance habits can change your life. 1. Develop…  Read more

3 Ways to Make Accounting More Fun Like Pancakes On A Sunday Morning

3 Ways to Make Accounting More Fun Like Pancakes On A Sunday Morning Accounting can really suck for people who don’t enjoy it. In fact, ask entrepreneurs what they dislike most about running a business and a large number of them will admit it’s the accounting side of things. If you are a business owner, you probably became one to do more of the things you enjoy and have more…  Read more

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